Tuesday, November 8, 2011


It's definitely been too long of an escape from reality. It's been over two years since coming back to Japan and I just cannot say in any way I am doing well.

I kind of came to a quick realization of what is happening; I have been somewhat different, in a way a bit cool having lived in different countries and being able to speak some languages well enough to impress people to some level. In reality I ain't no different. I am rather a mean, unconfident and and yet a stuckup person. I have been kind of living comfortably with this fake reputation of being different but I am getting older and I am not new to Japan anymore. I am not that kid that just has just come back from abroad woo.
So I should just live with who I am rather than sticking to my past experienced. This actually is the first time I feel so believe it or not. I am not exotic anymore because of what I have done. It's time that I wake up and actually work hard to be exotic and special. I don't know how I will achieve this, or even whether I will ever, but the first step is to try hard at everything to the point I can say I am good at everything.

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