Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have been telling myself that I am fine, I am fine, I am fine;
Everything will be better.

But now I cannot even say that anymore.

I just needed help, which I never got.
I just needed comfort that I never got.

It just gets harder and harder as things are really sucking up my energy and time, but I am not getting anything back, except people telling me it's all my fault.

I'm just too tired to care about anything right now.
Less careful I am, the more I make mistakes.

I just need to apologize, nothing else.
I just wish I could say it's not my fault, and it's someone else's.

Even the fact I couldn't wake up on time before work because I was doing researches on the web for someone else; or even for the fact that I slacked off at work because my mind is too full of someone else.

Fuck, I need to get my life a little sorted out before I move on with this thing.

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