Friday, January 15, 2010


Last year around this time I was in Stockholm, probably remembering the trip to Reykjavik that I had gone on.

Thinking of what to do for thesis, going out partying with Eva, Mari, Christian and Gisel.

Dreaming about seeing the northern lights,
and seducing Sacharias into going there with me.

Late night in the studio,
talking on MSN with Tien.

This year I spend more than half of my life at work,
1/3 with Kie and Tugba,
1/6 online talking to Hubi, Annie and Yoko,
1/12 with Paul, and
1/12 being shaken on the train, while being squeezed by mash of businessmen and drunken college students.

Next year I'd like to spend it in the mountains,
surrounded by animals and fresh vegetables.

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