Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So in the midst of my job searching I decided to change my life completely, which means finding another place to live. I've always thought going to another city or another country makes a great change in life; of course that's true, but I'm starting to realize that's not the only way to make a change in life. I think it's actually more difficult to change your life with what's already given to you at a certain time and a certain location. Right now, as I am almost turning 30 and I'm stuck in Tokyo, I'm trying to make myself stronger and learning a lot of things to make things better. Job search isn't so much fun, but the apartment search is better. It's almost funny to be looking for those two things at once because one is how to get more money for less time and the other one is how to get more time (considering the commuting time and the walking distance from the station etc...) with less money. Although, looking for an apartment isn't as easy as I expected in Japan- there is key money, insurance,'s, it's gonna eat up my whole savings before I know it! So I'm hurrying up with the job search too - yup, it's a good balance. Here are some photos of the apartments that I LOVED.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So my life of being jobless for almost 6 months is over. I've started a new job at this event planning company two days ago. They called me in for an interview. I didn't know what was going on but went anyway. They wanted someone to start working immediately so I did. I got a reply from my birthday and I thought wow, it must be a destiny so I started but I am actually not sure if I wanna work there...for many reasons. We will see. The problem is I don't really know what I want to do. I know I am unhappy with my life but I just don't know how to fix it, or I guess I am too lazy to fix it. My room is super messy, I haven't worked on some projects I've been meaning to, so it's really my laziness that's causing a lot of problems... I just need to find some things I like. I need to figure out what I want to do with my life. But before that, I should just start doing things that I really I know what I like!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Valentine's Day present from my coworker!! The first whole cake I've gotten! It really is lovely to live in the world of lots of loveliness!

Saturday, January 14, 2012



The sense of community, which I've longed for for a very long time. I've ways missed this feeling of having a place to go back to.

I am so jealous of people's Facebook updates that say "I am going home!"

I am not so bummed about it though, it's nice that I have good friends everywhere in the world but I just suddenly came to a thought that its something that is letting me down; making me less satisfied with who I am and where I am going. I almost forgot why I came to Japan. I wanted to come back at this age so I am not too old to come back to where my parents are from, where I was born and where my family is.

I just got a job in a field that I am specialized in, with the skills that I have, the languages, and just have been going with it, but slowly I am getting really bored and moreover I am getting frustrated with myself for being less and less interesting everyday.

I am no longer that exotic foreigner and I am expected to know all the social rules. But does knowing the rules mean following them? No.

I am very confused now. I don't know how I should be and hence what I ant to be. I don't know how to expressively anymore because I don't know what I want. I kind of want to ask a random person what I should be and just follow what the person says. I've tried Taft with my friends that I trust a lot but I always ended up bailing out because I believe it's something I should decide myself afterall. Then I do all these things to make myself stronger but I get lazy in the middle and end up hating myself for leaving those things half-ass. Shit, I'm really a mess eh.

So I don't know what I am trying to say nor why I am making this a public statement but I felt like I need to clear this out of my mind and say to myself, JUST DO IT as my former classmate Clara Terne said to me as an advice for how to get things done.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


HAPPY 2012!!!

My goals for this year:
Be on time
Be honest
Be active